Creeping Phlox

Phlox subulata

groundcover of lavender flowers of creeping phlox
“Emerald Blue Creeping Phlox” by Patrick Standish, via Flickr. (cropped from original). CC BY 2.0.
a section of groundcover of creeping phlox forming a sheet of lavender
“Creeping Phlox” by Patrick Standish, via Flickr. CC BY 2.0.

Ecological Benefits: Attract pollinators such as hummingbirds, butterflies, skippers, and bees

Bloom period: late winter to midspring

Best Areas for Planting: low to mid-moisture, full sun; well-drained, sandy, and gravelly soils

Natural Habitat: can be found in dry rocky woodlands, barrens, exposed outcrops

Most of the species information is from The Virginia Native Plant Society website, which offers free, extensive pdfs for each region of Virginia, highlighting about 100 native species (there are many more!) and helpful additional information for planning personal projects. If you aren’t from Virginia, you can search for similar resources in your state! To explore other resources and advice, navigate to the guidance page.

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